Thursday 19 June 2014

Blogging Experience

The blogging experience for me has been comfortably, because blogging is simple and i like simple activities, i already have blogged before start blogging for this class, because i need to do a blog for the art class at school. I don't really care about the interest i put on the blog, nor if i like it or not because i do not share the pastime of showing my interests, or anything of my life by internet, because it makes no sense for me.
I think it may helped me to has more flow at english writting and learning, but not so much. The principal reason because it don't helped me a lot is that i already know writting and speaking in english, and i don't know which are the considerations to make me doing this class of English 3, but i like it more than any other class at university actually. Some good things about blogging at english class is that it give more space to create for students, and i think that doing activities with computers and internet are prefered by studens too.

Thursday 5 June 2014

City buses (micros)

Before i wake up, on working days i have to eat something, a breakfast, and then maybe just go to university, or doing something like taking a shower or studying, or an activy to help in my house. Generally when i come to the university, i take a city bus that carry me from my home at Peñalolén to Torre Entel, in that place i descend from the bus and walk to university. All the process may occur at mid-day, and the returning to my home and it occurs during the afternoon, at a half past 7 from Monday toThursday and on Fridays my classes finishes at 6 o'clock, and i can choose what to do, in fact i can always choose what to do, going before the ending of classes to my house or do any other thing i have or i want to do. Nevertheless i usually to do anything i have to take the citybuses, and when i am into the citybus and go to somewhere where i need to take it to get there, i think about the people that sorrounds me, people that need to take buses to get where they need to go, just like me. I take the 516 citybus almost always, because its itinerary is the better to get the center of the city. 516 city bus, began working  last year, i asked to the gobernment to give me a solution plus scholarships for traveling, to going university, and they gave me the 516.

Thursday 24 April 2014


A film that i like, but not my favourite movie, because i don't have one, is the film "Into the Wild". This film, was directed by Sean Penn at 2007, a director and actor that you could have seen on great films, like "I Am Sam", or "21 Gramos", and the principal actor is Emile Hirsch, known for movies like "The Girl Next Door" and "Alpha Dog".
The movie is based in an homonymous novel written by Jon Krakauer, in 1996. And that novel was based on historical facts, relating the history of a young man, an universitary named Christopher McCandless, that because of his family life, the relationship with his family, and because of the usual behavior and way of life of his family, decides to leaving home, and go for adventures, to contact with himself, to know how's the real life, how's the life in extreme conditions. Plus leaving his family, home, city, he leaves too all the "city things", like money, car, and those kind of things that are not necessary in an natural enviroment. After leaving his home, he go across the fields, canyons, mountains, until he arrived to his objetive... Alaska.
This is a similitude with the book "The Call of the Wild", written by Jack London at 1903, that relates the history of a dog, a southern dog, that lives in a ranch ubicated in California, who is stealed and translated to the north of the country, to Canada, to Alaska, to work like sled dogs, in extreme conditions.
That similitude, shows us a diferent view of the life, of the way of life, of the freedom and the work.
On the movie, the protagonist dies at the end, like a redemption of the life... And in the end of the book, the dog becomes a wolf, like the return to the origin, the return to the natural enviroment, without city's comfort and restrictions of freedom.

This Image shows a phrase of the movie. This phrase means the discovering of leaving in the nature alone, like the key message of the film.

And that's the cover of the book, with an ilustration tha represents the dog pulling the sledge.

This is part of the original soundtrack of the movie, a song written by Eddie Vedder, the vocalist of Pearl Jam.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Pound or Fork?... That's the question.

I don't really know whats my favourite technology object really, but if i wonder on that i would probably think about some object that gives me  a facility to do an activity, an activity on what without that object i can not do the activity. Then comes to my mind some object that i use day by day, like a computer, a refrigerator, a bus, or any tipe of car, or like the drinking water, that is not an object, but is the utilization of the water on the cities, manipulated by mens, so the drinking water would be a technology too. Neverthless, i just don't like any of the objects that i mentioned before, and i think about my favourite activitiy, in what i have to use a technology object, and that's the point!!! Then like an epiphany, descend from the above, from the royal highness of highnesses, the illness, from the vastness of the skies... the foods. I love to eat foods, and if want to eat any food, maybe i will need a fork, or a pound, depending on what i have to eat... That's another history, but that's the central question if i use a fork or a pound. ...Goodbye.

Here i am using the pound, because is the right object to use in the case of eating a gourmet tomato sauce.
All right's reserved for me, and the left's too.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Today's work

The subjects i am doing this term are several, and for each subject i have to dedicate some time, for studying and learning. To get good marks, i have to study day by day not at all subjects that i am doing, but in some of these, like HIPACH, or Mate II, or Stadistics... The first subject that i mentioned, HIPACH, go about history, the history of institutional evolution and breaks on the history of Chile. I don't want to write about Mate II or Stadistics, those are boring... i would rather don't write about any subject honestly, not this time.

I'm taking one extracurricular, that is yoga. I think that yoga is funny, that's the first reason because i'm taking it. Thanks God that i'm in yoga with two girls, friends that i knew on the first year at university.

I'm not part of other activities at university, not formal activities, but this semester i'm getting more friends, like real frinds, and i like it, this are my favourite activity at university and everywhere i go, but i've never felt more unsociable like now, and it complicates the things with making friends and meeting new people.

My first expectation is to get good marks in the subjects at university, and have my times to do whatever i want to do, but to do this i've to put my life in a certain order, but i don't know how to get it, so i expect that i learn someday how to get it.

Thursday 20 March 2014